Saturday May 10th $25 at the door
It's being held at the Ballard Odd Fellows Hall at 1706 NW Market.
Check out this article about last year’s Kinky Carnival
"Kinkfest provides a room to romp If your curiosity, um, is aroused"
We have 2 new booths: Bite: Receive a bite on your area of choice
Ask: No question too Kinky, no non Kinky question too strange.
in addition to all the regulars: Kiss, Cuddle, Pierce, Whack,
Sensation, Rope, Submit, Zap, Yum, Pierce, Confess, & Ground.
We are so organized this year! And the performances are better
than ever, Moorea Mallatt, Adra, WIll Wright with D,J, Lui Ying.
Tickets are available at Babeland, WIld at heart and on line at
Brown Paper TIckets!